You may be aware that the practice was inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on Thursday 7th February 2019. We have now received our report which classifies the practice as Good – for each criteria of Safe, Caring, REsponsive, Effective and Well Led. The report is available for you to read on our website.
Before the inspection took place, we provided detailed information to the inspection team and they also gathered information about the practice from other NHS sources.
There were three inspectors who came to the practice, each of them looking at specific areas of clinical care and to assess how the practice runs on a day to day basis. The inspectors spent the whole day in the practice, and at our brand surgery at Newton Flotman, talking to staff and patients and we would like to thank the patients who came in to speak to the inspection team about their experience of the surgery. Members of the Patient Participation Group were also contacted and asked for the opinions, feedback cards were also available in the surgery for patients to fill in and give their views.
We are very proud that the report highlights many areas of good patient care, some elements of care were described in the report as outstanding and I am sure you would like to join me and the Partners in saying thank you to our practice staff for all the hard work they do each day.
The report gave us feedback on a couple of areas where we could improve things and we have already reacted to this feedback and implemented their recommendations.
We always strive to provide the best patient care from the whole team here at the practice and we will use the report plus any other feedback to continue in this endeavour. If anyone has any comments or requires any further information about the report, we will gladly provide it for you.
Keith Burnett
Practice Manager