Our Practice is run from two sites, one in Long Stratton and one in the village of Newton Flotman. We provide health care needs to over 11,000 patients who are able to access services from either of these two sites. We aim to provide an excellent standard of care in a friendly, approachable and caring environment.
Our service is provided by a team of seven doctors; in addition to their work at the surgery, the doctors deliver training to medical students, and registrars and are active in Primary Care Research. This would not be possible without the support of our experienced team of nurses, health care assistants, dispensers and administrative staff. Our receptionists provide the first and most important link between the patient and their doctor.
The Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England. Their role is to make sure that healthcare services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high quality-care. To meet these fundamental standards of quality they monitor, inspect and regulate services and then publish their findings. Further information can be found on the CQC website – click HERE
Long Stratton Medical Partnership was registered with the Care Quality Commission on 1st April 2013 and as part of their inspection process the CQC visited our practice on Monday 10th November 2014 and on Thursday 7th February 2019 . The result of the inspections are posted on the CQC website and is also available on our website under further information – CQC Inspection Report.
The CQC will always welcome any comments from patients about the care that they are receiving. You can provide this feedback by telephone, email, visiting the website or sending your comments by post;
Telephone: 03000 616161
Email: enquires@cqc.org.uk
Website: CQC Website
Post: Care Quality Commission, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. NE1 4PA
All feedback is treated confidentially and the inspectors may not respond to individual feedback but you may be contacted for further information if you have provided contact details.
CQC Inspection Report
You may be aware that the practice was inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on Thursday 7th February 2019. We have now received our report which classifies the practice as Good – for each criteria of Safe, Caring, Responsive, Effective and Well Led. The report is available for you to read on our website.
Before the inspection took place, we provided detailed information to the inspection team and they also gathered information about the practice from other NHS sources.
There were three inspectors who came to the practice, each of them looking at specific areas of clinical care and to assess how the practice runs on a day to day basis. The inspectors spent the whole day in the practice, and at our brand surgery at Newton Flotman, talking to staff and patients and we would like to thank the patients who came in to speak to the inspection team about their experience of the surgery. Members of the Patient Participation Group were also contacted and asked for the opinions, feedback cards were also available in the surgery for patients to fill in and give their views.
We are very proud that the report highlights many areas of good patient care, some elements of care were described in the report as outstanding and I am sure you would like to join me and the Partners in saying thank you to our practice staff for all the hard work they do each day.
The report gave us feedback on a couple of areas where we could improve things and we have already reacted to this feedback and implemented their recommendations.
We always strive to provide the best patient care from the whole team here at the practice and we will use the report plus any other feedback to continue in this endeavour. If anyone has any comments or requires any further information about the report, we will gladly provide it for you.
Keith Burnett
Practice Manager
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
We respect your right to privacy and aim to keep all your health information confidential and secure. It is important that the NHS keeps accurate and up to date records about your health so that those supporting you can give you the best possible advice, treatment and care. All staff sign a confidentiality agreement as part of their contract of employment.
The GDPR is a new law that determines how your personal data is processed and kept safe and the legal rights that you have in relation to your own data. The regulation applies from 25th May 2018 and will apply even after the UK leaves the EU.
Fair Processing Notice
Your information, Your Rights
We have a legal requirement to protect your privacy. The following Fair Processing Notice (sometimes known as a Privacy Statement) explains why our practice collects information about you, and how that information may be used.
Please click HERE for a copy
If you are unable to view our statement a written copy can be requested from our reception team.
Your Prescriptions and Data Collection
When we supply medical products to you we are reimbursed via the Business Services Authority.
Please click HERE for a copy of the NHS Prescription Services privacy statement
CCTV Policy
GP Earnings
Declaration of Earnings Statement from the Partners of Long Stratton Medical Partnership
All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.
The average pay for GPs working in Long Stratton Medical Partnership in the last financial year was £56,378 before Tax and National Insurance.
This is for 8 part time GPs and 4 locum GPs who worked in the Practice for more than six months.
However it should be noted that the prescribed method of calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice, and should not be used to form any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparisons with any other practice
Patient Confidentiality
We do all we can to ensure that everything we know about you remains confidential. Confidentiality is one of the central principles of medicine and is key to maintaining trust between patients and health professionals.
This also applies to young people (including those under 16) who are entitled to equal confidentiality as all other patients.
Please do not be offended if you are refused information regarding another patient, even if you are a family member, close friend or neighbour as all information about our patients is confidential, from the most sensitive diagnosis to the fact of being registered at the practice or even having visited the surgery.
All health professionals must follow their professional codes of practice and the law. This means that they must make every effort to protect confidentiality. It also means that no identifiable information about a patient is passed to anyone or any agency without the express permission of that patient, except when this is essential for providing care or necessary to protect somebody’s health, safety or well-being.
All members of staff, including reception and administration staff, have access to patient information during the course of their duties but are bound by strict confidentiality codes of conduct, this includes what information they can access and when. They all receive training to ensure that confidentiality is maintained throughout the surgery at all times.
New regulations called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 25th May 2018, further information on this and our Fair Processing Notice is available under a separate tab.
If you wish to share your information with a member of your family, friend or neighbour please complete the Consent Form and hand it in to reception.
Telephone Calls
Please note all telephone calls into and out of the Practice are recorded for training and quality purposes.
For local help please click HERE
We are all responsible for the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Safeguarding is the process by which vulnerable members of the community are looked after to allow them to develop and reach their full potential. Everybody has the right to be safe and live free from harm, abuse and neglect no matter who they are or what their circumstance.
We have safeguarding policies in place to ensure the safety of our patients, all our staff are trained to identify when people may be at risk. Our Practice safeguarding lead is Dr Mini Nelson, who oversees the Practice policies and protocols on safeguarding. We work closely with the Norfolk County Council and other local safeguarding organisations.
Safeguarding Children
All children have a right to grow up in a caring and safe environment. All adults have a responsibility to protect children whether they are a parent, member of the family, friends, neighbour or member of the public.
Should you have any concerns please do not leave it for someone else to do something, it is important that you report your concerns if you feel a child’s in danger. Speak to someone, this might be a health visitor, nursery or school staff, a teacher, a police officer or come and talk to a doctor. We have included some helpful links to websites and leaflets to guide you:
Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board
Safeguarding Adults
A vulnerable adult is anyone over the age of 18 who are unable to protect themselves from harm or being exploited because of disability, age or illness. Abuse means either harming someone or not ensuring that someone isn’t harmed.
If you have concerns that an adult is being abused or is at risk of abuse then you can get further advice and information from a number of different organisations please click on the links below:
Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board
Norfolk County Council and Leaflet
Domestic Violence
Leeway is a specialist domestic abuse charity based in Norfolk and Suffolk. It has a 24 hour domestic abuse Helpline – Telephone 0300 561 0077 or visit their WEBSITE
“Remember: Domestic abuse doesn’t just mean violent behaviour, it’s about power and control. It can also include emotional, psychological and financial abuse.”
Summary Care Record (SCR)
A Summary Care Record is created for every patient and holds basic information such as current medication, allergies and any bad reactions to medication that you have had. This record can be accessed when you need NHS treatment away from your usual GP practice for example if you needed treatment by an Emergency Department (A&E), Out of Hours Service or the Ambulance Service.
You can now add more information to this record by asking one of our Reception Team for an Enhanced Summary Care Record.
Please remember your Summary Care Record is only available to NHS providers so only authorised healthcare professionals directly involved in your care can access your record and it will not be used for any other purposes.
For further information see Adding Information to your record
If you would like to know what will happen if you decide that you do not want to have a Summary Care Record please click HERE
For further information on your health records see NHS Choices
You have the choice to opt out at any time by downloading the following form and handing it to our Reception Team Opt Out Form
We are a research practice and have been taking part in the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) since 2013. The NIHR is funded by the Department of Health and is the research arm of the NHS. We are part of the Clinical Research Network (CRN) Eastern to provide data for patients from a primary care perspective. The research is used to try and find the causes of diseases and to find better treatments and services for those diseases and improve patient care– in other words to try and find better ways of looking after patients and keeping people healthy.
The funding for our research activity is via the CRN so does not come out of the practice’s own budget and therefore does not affect our patients’ services.
A key requirement for anyone involved in the conduct of clinical research is Good Clinical Practice for research (GCP) training. GCP is the guideline and standard to which all NHS research is conducted.
Our Clinical Practice study team is: Dr Mini Nelson
Our Clinical Research Administrator is: Olivia
You may be asked from time to time by a member of our clinical team whether you would be interested in participating in a study or trial, if we feel that you might be a suitable participant you will be sent information through the post. You will always receive clear information about what taking part in a research study would involve. Your participation is entirely voluntary and can be withdrawn by yourself at any time without any explanation required.
The studies that we are currently involved with are:
Asymptomatic Study – aims to find out whether taking a preventer inhaler only when a child, with mild asthma, has symptoms is as effective as taking it every day.
Indigo Study – The Indigo project is a digital clinical trial that aims to assess the feasibility of mass recruitment to a community cancer survivor study via a large-scale online platform using participant self-enrolment.
The Harvest Study – The Harvest study is investigating the impact of bespoke recipes consumed daily using a dietary app on blood iron levels. Additionally, the study is investigating how eating salad greens grown in a hydroponic unit and biofortified with Vitamin B12 will affect blood Vitamin B12 levels in women of childbearing age who follow a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle.
DaRe2THINK Study – DaRe2THINK is targeting the prevention of dementia in patients with atrial fibrillation, and is supported by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) and the Clinical Practice Research Datalink
Duration UTI Study – Duration UTI is investigating the impact of duration of antibiotic therapy on effectiveness, safety and selection of antibiotic resistance in adult women with urinary tract infections (UTI): a randomised controlled trial.
The Immune Defence Study – Immune Defence is a research study designed to see if nasal sprays, getting active and reducing stress help people get fewer and less severe infections such as flu, colds and similar respiratory infections.
ATTACK Study – This study is to find out whether people with Chronic Kidney Disease should take daily low-dose aspirin to reduce the risk of a first heart attack or stroke.
Active Brains – The primary aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a digital intervention (Active Brains) to help support older adults (60-85 years) with and without cognitive impairment in making healthy changes (physical activity, brain training, diet) to maintain cognitive function and prevent cognitive decline.
By visiting the National Institute for Health Research website you will find more information about research in primary care.
There is also more information about research for patients on the NHS Website
We are very grateful to any of our patients that have taken part in these studies in the past and would encourage patients to become involved in the future.
Practice Survey Reporting
The report for the 2018 patient survey is available. please click the link below:
The report for the 2014-2015 patient survey is available. Please click the link below:
The following report has been submitted as part of a requirement of NHS England:
Past Reports:
Comments and Complaints
We always try to provide the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice. If there is a time when you feel dissatisfied with our service then we would always encourage you to tell us straight away, while you are with us, so we can discuss the problem and sort it as quickly and amicably as possible.
If the problem cannot be sorted immediately and you wish to make a complaint please click HERE to download our leaflet, or a hard copy of this information can be collected from our reception.
Friends & Family
The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It’s a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS care or treatment.
Since the FFT was launched in 2013, millions of patients have submitted feedback. It’s used by most NHS services, including community care, hospitals, mental health services, maternity services, GP and dental practices, emergency care, and patient transport.
Private Services
A fee is payable for certain services which are not provided free under the NHS – such as private sickness certificates, insurance reports, HGV driving and medical examinations, holiday cancellations and private health insurance.
When making an enquiry about a private service please ask to speak to a Medical Secretary who will advise you of the charge, raise the invoice and deal with your request. An up to date price list is displayed in Reception.
Please bear in mind that demands placed on GPs in undertaking their NHS work means that these private requests may not be able to be completed at short notice, please allow at least 20 working days from payment of invoice to completion.