A Summary Care Record is created for every patient and holds basic information such as current medication, allergies and any bad reactions to medication that you have had. This record can be accessed when you need NHS treatment away from your usual GP practice for example if you needed treatment by an Emergency Department (A&E), Out of Hours Service or the Ambulance Service.
You can now add more information to this record by asking one of our Reception Team for an Enhanced Summary Care Record.
Please remember your Summary Care Record is only available to NHS providers so only authorised healthcare professionals directly involved in your care can access your record and it will not be used for any other purposes.
For further information see Adding Information to your record
If you would like to know what will happen if you decide that you do not want to have a Summary Care Record please click HERE
For further information on your health records see NHS Choices
You have the choice to opt out at any time by downloading the following form and handing it to our Reception Team Opt Out Form