OUR SURGERY IS CLOSED – Monday to Friday between the hours of 18:00 – 08:15; All weekends and Public/Bank Holidays
Between 08:00 & 08:30 also 18:00 & 18:30 Monday to Friday please Tel: 01603 481253
Otherwise at all other times 18:30-08:00, Weekends and Bank Holidays the quickest way to find urgent health care is:
Try your pharmacy – Talk in confidence, without appointments. They offer advice on minor illnesses like coughs, colds, earache, skin rashes and sore throats. They can provide services such as Chlamydia testing, emergency contraception and stop smoking services. For further information on how your pharmacy can help you see NHS Choices – Livewell Page
NHS 111 for phone or online advice. This is your free local NHS advice line with trained staff to advise you by phone, or directions given online, of the best course of action and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Please be prepared to give details of your problem and symptoms so that the advisers can direct your call appropriately:
- to a doctor who may call you back with advice
- you may be asked to visit a doctor or nurse at a local Surgery, Health Centre or Community Hospital
- a doctor may arrange a home visit
- If the advisers think you need an ambulance, they will immediately arrange for one to be sent to you
See NHS 111 for more information. NHS 111 also offers a British Sign Language interpreter service every day from 8am till midnight. Find out more by clicking HERE.
Walk-in Centre. No appointments needed. Our local NHS walk-in centre is Norwich Practices’ Walk-In & Health Centre for their leaflet click HERE or visit their WEBSITE
Opening Hours: 07:00 – 21:00, 7 days a week including bank holidays
Rouen House, Rouen Road, Norwich, NR1 1RB
Tel: 01603 677500
Car Parks close to the Health Centre:
Rouen Road, Castle Mall, John Lewis, Mountergate – off Rose Lane
iCaSH – (Integrated Contraception & Sexual Health)
Providing all aspects of sexual health, including
- Free emergency contraception
- Free condoms
- Free contraception including all LARC (Long Acting Reversible Contraception)
- Free testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia screening. If you are 16 and over, and have no symptoms of an STI, order your FREE and confidential postal test kit online CLICK HERE. Your kit is delivered discreetly wrapped in plain packaging and fits through a standard letterbox.
- HIV testing and treatment
- Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV
- Smears
iCaSH, 1a Oak Street, Norwich, NR3 3AE
Tel: 0300 300 3030 or www.icash.nhs.uk
CALL 999 ONLY IN AN EMERGENCY. For emergencies that are critical or life threatening. Chest pains and/or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.
Please help the NHS by using services wisely